apply NOW to become a member
Discover the benefits that come from introductions, coaching, training and being a part of a like-minded community.
Complete an application today
Unlock earning potential with a clear path towards achieving your goals. Join a like-minded community of sophisticated investors, successful business owners, and wealth creation experts. This is an invite-only community. Our members value personal & professional growth and making a positive impact in their family. Take the next step and complete a short application today and we’ll help you create a bespoke plan.

SELF CERTIFIED sophisticated investor OPPORTUNTIES – increase earning potential
Discover how to get access to numerous professionals, wealth specialists, and income earning opportunities – not available to the general public.
In times of econmic uncertainty, high inflation, volitile markets, and unpredictable government policies, you hold the incredible power to make choices that elevate your business and income. Save years of filling in the puzzle pieces. Gain the connections and knowledge from decades of experience to x2 to x3 your results – faster than you previously thought possible. Don’t be like most people who put off taking action. The longer you wait, the more you and your family miss out on living the lifestyle that most people only ever dream about.

Helping business owners & growth minded entrepreneurs achieve their goals faster.

We follow a simple process so we can provide you with the best options that gives you the confidence to achieve your personal & lifestyle goals.

Schedule a 15-min Discover Call
Take 15 minutes to complete schedule a discovery call to help us understand your personal & business goals to ensure you’re a good fit for our programs.
Discover Call Meeting with us
After we recieve your calendar booking we will review your intial questions and prepare for the call. It is important that your spouse, significant other, or business partner attends this consult call with you.
Application Approval
Once approved we will then schedule a one-to-one onboarding call with you to go over your goals & objectives together and answer any further questions you have.

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If you want investment, tax, asset protection or legal advice that takes account of your particular objectives, financial situation or needs, please seek advice from a licensed professional in the area such as an accountant, lawyer or similar professional. Cobalt Corporation Pty Ltd role is to provide member introductions only to specialists like Development Groups, Investment Groups, Business Advisors, Marketing Agencies, Accounting Firms, and Legal Firms. No referral fee or commission is received from these introductions. Members are responsible for their own due diligence.